About Us

The Cartophilic Society of New Zealand Inc (New Zealand Card Collectors Club) was formed in 1975 by a handful of collectors who were interested in setting up a similar club to the one in the U.K that had been running for many years (See their website for more info Click here). There is also an Australian Society that is similar to the New Zealand one, for their website Click Here

Fast forward to today, and after close to 50 years the New Zealand club is still going strong with around 90 members, and provides card collectors with a wealth of reference material, cemented many friendships and banded together card collectors throughout New Zealand and the rest of the world. We now usually use the name "NZ Card Collectors" as its more descriptive and inclusive of current trends. 

Society Officers & Committee

President: Marie Smolnicki

Vice President: Stephen Summers

Secretary: Craig Speakman 

Treasurer: Tammy Alexandre 

Auctioneer: Maurice Eder 

Media Team: Stephen Williams and Lindsay Armstrong

News Letter Editors: Justin McCullough, Nik Zangouropoulos

Committee Member(s): Derek Lugton, Steve Marriott